Easier visas for Russians

The press center of the Ministry of foreign affairs announced that the vice-minister Milen Keremedchiev met the chairman of the Agency of tourism Anelia Krushkova and representatives of Bulgarian tour operator companies that work with the Russian Federation. They discussed many topics related to the development of tourism and Russia.
Based on the possibilities given by the agreement of the Treaty between European communities and the Russan Federation for visa facilitation for citizens of both sides, they decided to make the visas free for children and young people up to 18 years of age that travel to Bulgaria for educational purposes. The Ministry of foreign affairs will work directly with the consular offices of Bulgaria in the Russian federation.
The possibilities for re-investment of the income from visas of Russian citizens back in the organizations in the field was also discussed. The Agency for tourism and the involved organizations are going to actively participate in the planning of the mechanism of re-investment.