Articles tagged with: Plovdiv

The vice-mayor of social politics of Plovdiv Krasimir Angelov and his team presented the 2009- 2011 strategy of the municipality for the development of social services and the provision of equal possibilites for people with …

The Plovdiv airport opens it’s winter charter program for the 2008/2009 season with a flight to Dublin. The airplane of the British company BMI will land in the late afternoon and will bring 150 tourists …

Two-room apartments in the centre and the elite district “Kurshiaka” were the most wanted estates in Plovdiv for 2008, shows the annual analysis of the international bureau Europolis.
Brokers note that despite the stagnation of the …

“There are very few cities with a cultural and historical resource as Plovdiv. It has the potential to be a worldwide tourism center”, said the chairman of the Consultative council for tourism Liubozar Fratev during …

The lake covers an area of 7,5 decares and will be the newest attraction in Plovdiv. This was nnounced by the mayor of the Plovdiv region “Thrace”, G. Matev. A large park will also be …

The biggest entertainment complex on the Balkans, Ritz, opened doors in Plovdiv. The luxurious estate gathers casino and bingo under one huge roof.
The investments in the new Ritz is 10 000 million euro and is …

Plovdiv was the host of the National congress for cardiology once again this year. The event took place in the “Bulgaria” hall of the International fair in Plovdiv.
The forum took place between November 20th and …

Strategy for the transport infrastructure of Plovdiv will be presented next week, said today the Mayor Slavcho Atanasov.
160 000 are the cars in the city and the parking places are only 38 000. On the …

The idea for the construction of Palace of Culture and Sports with 7000 seats near stadium ‘Plovdiv’ will be discussed on a meeting of lawyers after a few days. On the meeting will be discussed …

The inrush of foreign students in Plovdiv leads to increase in the seeking of apartments for rent and animation of the market.
Traditionally the highest is the interest to the apartments in the ideal center.

This year the municipality of Plovdiv will make great efforts to make the city more beautiful for the coming of the New Year. The decorating of the city will start still in November and …

The special software is going to give data for the concentrations of fine dust fractions and other predominant polluters.
The device is going to show also some meteorological parameters as speed and …