“Belene” will help us in the times of crisis
“As an exporter of energy, Bulgaria faces the necessity to develop the Bulgarian energetics”, said the prime minister Sergey Stanishev before signing the Agreement for a joint-company between NEK EAD and RWE Power for the development of the project for the nuclear power plant “Belene”.
According to the prime minister, during the last few years Bulgaria is rapidly developing it’s economy and thus, the electricity consumption.
“The nuclear energy is noticeably more tolerated lately, and Bulgaria has a strong tradition in the nuclear energetics”, added Sergey Stanishev. According to him, the realization of the nuclear power plant “Belene” is tied to the EU requirements for energetics development with low level of pollution.
“I am sure that the construction of “Belene” is largely supported by Bulgarian citizens”, said Stanishev, adding that the “Belene” project has a dynamic background – the decision of the Bulgarian government for it’s construction, the approval of the European Commission for the power plant, the meeting of international standards, etc.
“This is a huge project. I am sure that it’s realization will have an impact on Bulgaria in the times of a financial crisis. Bulgaria enters these times with clear plans for the future, so that we protect our citizens from the crisis that comes from the outside”, said the prime minister.