




Bulgarian roses will be planted in France
Thu, 9/10/08 – 22:17 | Comments Off on Bulgarian roses will be planted in France
Bulgarian roses will be planted in France

The famous Bulgarian oleaginous roses from Kazanlak will be planted in front of the City Hall in the French suburb of St Herblain, which is the largest suburb of the city of Nantes, on October …

‘Dsift’ won the Best Bulgarian Movie award
Thu, 9/10/08 – 22:05 | Comments Off on ‘Dsift’ won the Best Bulgarian Movie award
‘Dsift’ won the Best Bulgarian Movie award

The Bulgarian movie ‘Dsift’, directed by Yavor Gardev, has won the ‘Best movie’ prize at the 28th annual Bulgarian film festival ‘Golden Rose’ in Varna. The movie took a total of 6 awards, among which …

Future meetings of CSKA and Levski will be played on the national stadium
Thu, 9/10/08 – 21:41 | Comments Off on Future meetings of CSKA and Levski will be played on the national stadium
Future meetings of CSKA and Levski will be played on the national stadium

The leadership of CSKA has agreed with Levski’s proposal the matches between the two teams to be played on the national stadium ‘Vasil Levski’, said the managing director of CSKA Alexander Todorov.
‘We spoke to Badzhekov …

Roisin Murphy in Bulgaria
Thu, 9/10/08 – 21:03 | Comments Off on Roisin Murphy in Bulgaria
Roisin Murphy in Bulgaria

Less than a month remains till the show of the attractive vocalist of the former Moloko Roisin Murphy in Sofia. The Irish will arrive in Bulgaria on occasion of the 400th anniversary of the Irish …

5th annual meeting of Bulgarian municipalities starts in Albena Resort
Thu, 9/10/08 – 9:20 | Comments Off on 5th annual meeting of Bulgarian municipalities starts in Albena Resort
5th annual meeting of Bulgarian municipalities starts in Albena Resort

The Fifth annual meeting of the Bulgarian local authorities starts today in the Black sea resort “Albena”.
Representatives of municipalities, the central authorities, the prime minister, the member of parliament prime minister and ministers as well …

Ambassador: US Believe in Strong and Capable Bulgaria
Wed, 8/10/08 – 19:58 | Comments Off on Ambassador: US Believe in Strong and Capable Bulgaria
Ambassador: US Believe in Strong and Capable Bulgaria

The US Ambassador Nancy McEldowney said today on a lecture read by the envoy of the Atlantic Club in Sofia that Bulgaria has marked significant progress in its relations to NATO and the EU to …

Bulgarians care more about nature
Wed, 8/10/08 – 15:57 | Comments Off on Bulgarians care more about nature
Bulgarians care more about nature

Bulgarian citizens have become more and more concerned about preserving nature in their country. In a research held by ‘Alfa Research’ and ‘WWF’, the majority of the 990 participants – 74% – pointed out that …

Antoaneta Stefanova became and Olympic champion in chess
Wed, 8/10/08 – 15:01 | Comments Off on Antoaneta Stefanova became and Olympic champion in chess
Antoaneta Stefanova became and Olympic champion in chess

Antoaneta Stefanova won in a peremptory way the title in the rapid chess competition on the first Olympic Games for intellectual sports in the Chinese capital Beijing.
This way the former world champion added a …

Interpol approved a Bulgarian programme
Wed, 8/10/08 – 14:45 | Comments Off on Interpol approved a Bulgarian programme
Interpol approved a Bulgarian programme

The Bulgarian delegation at the 77th General Assembly of Interpol which takes place in Sankt Petersburg met Jean-Michel Louboutin, Executive Director of the International Police. The main stress laid on the Bulgarian programme for execution …

More than a hundred Bulgarians work in the EC
Tue, 7/10/08 – 22:13 | Comments Off on More than a hundred Bulgarians work in the EC
More than a hundred Bulgarians work in the EC

143 Bulgarians work in the European Commission in Brussels at the moment. By 2011 the hiring goal is 227 people, holding administrative jobs in the EC. 102 Bulgarians have assistant positions and the quote, which …

Bulgarian boy won the Parkour world championship
Tue, 7/10/08 – 19:39 | Comments Off on Bulgarian boy won the Parkour world championship
Bulgarian boy won the Parkour world championship

The Bulgarian Delyan Dimitrov – Dido won the first place in the world championship in parkour, which was conducted from October 3 to 5 in Germany. The championship exists for two years and has two …

‘Spirit of Burgas’ nominated for ‘Best festival of the year’
Tue, 7/10/08 – 18:04 | Comments Off on ‘Spirit of Burgas’ nominated for ‘Best festival of the year’
‘Spirit of Burgas’ nominated for ‘Best festival of the year’

‘Spirit of Burgas’ 2008 has been nominated for the ‘Best festival of the year’ prize. The prestigious chart belongs to the European festival association. The Bourgas festival will compete with the biggest music forums in …