13 Bulgarian stars will defend a cause in VIP Brother

Bulgarian stars gathered under one roof in the house of VIP Brother. It was opened by the folk singer Kamelia.
She will not be a participant inside the house; instead, she will host the show “The Big Mouth” on Nova TV. Only 13 stars entered the house of VIP brother: Sofi Marinova with her boyfriend Dacho, Ico Hazarta, Anya Pencheva with her daughter Petya Dikova, Milko Kalaidzhiev, Deo, Kristiana Valcheva, the twins Ivaila and Bozhidara Bakalovi, Gala, the grandson of Todor Zhivkov – Todor Slavkov, and Emil Koshlukov.
A political debate fired up at the very beginning. Koshlukov blamed Slavkov that he craves the return of communism in it’s form before 1989. Koshlukov considers himself a victim of the regime, pointing out his 5-year sentence for political reasons.
Slavkov did his best to keep up with his opponent, not giving an inch back. Despite that he initially declined, Koshlukov entered the house – because of the charity cause of the latest VIP Brother.