Articles tagged with: Ataka

This Tuesday, the 41st National assembly gathers on their first meeting. We haven’t had a parliament with so many fresh faces in a long time. The youngest member of parliament was recently introduced by Stoyan …

GERB won the most votes in the elections for Bulgarian members of parliament in the European parliament.
The sociology agency “Scale” announced that by 18:00 PM, the voting activity was 31%. The socialist party BSP is …

The political party “Ataka” opened their electoral campaign for European parliament with a summit on the square “May 4th” in the city Batak.
“We chose Batak, because it is a signature Bulgarian city, a Golgotha of …

The parliamentary group of “Ataka” will not offer a candidate from their party for a member of the commission for electoral legislation.
This was announced by the vice-chairman of the National assembly Liuben Kornezov, cited by …

“The party “Ataka” will not enter a coalition in the next parliament, because none of the parties that are likely to enter the parliament have a similar vision to ours”, said the leader of the …

The chairman of the Municipality council in Burgas Valery Simeonov (of the political party “Ataka”) announced yesterday that he will leave his post.
The representatives of his party – “Ataka” – in the municipality of Burgas, …

27,3% of the bulgarians will vote for GERB if the elections were today, shows an inquiry by NCIOM.
69% of the people asked think that GERB’s influence will continue to grow until the elections. The political …

The executives of the political party “Ataka”, through their leader Volen Siderov, criticized with a declaration the actions of Italian hooligans. They set the Bulgarian flag on fire during the football match for the World …

Bulgaria’s nationalist “Ataka” party together with the right wing “Order, Law, Justice” party are starting to compile a list of the country’s 100 most corrupt politicians.
The news was announced Friday by the leaders of the …