The Bulgarian-American practice “Black Sea volunteers 09” begins
The co-operative Bulgarian-American humanitarian practice “Black Sea volunteers 09” will take place between July 18th – August 1st 2009 in the region of Varna. It takes place according to the Agreement for military co-operation between the Ministry of defence of the Republic of Bulgaria and the Ministry of defence of the US for 2009.
The practice is organized by the ministries of defence and healthcare of the Republic of Bulgaria, the US National Guard and the command of the Naval forces of the US in Europe.
A group of 15 ophthalmologists will examine for free in four villages in the region of Varna – Vetrino, Valchi dol, Dulgopol and Byala. Two Bulgarian specialists will accompany them.
Aside from the free diagnosis, the locals will receive 4 500 free pairs of glasses and additional medication provided by the Military healthcare department in Varna.