BDZ drops prices by 30%

The Bulgarian Railways (BDZ) announced new fast trains and a new schedule that takes into consideration the intense flow of people to and from the Black Sea coast. The company announced their promotional prices, which are 30% cheaper. The goal of these initiatives by the Ministry of transport and the Bulgarian Railways is to ease the heavy traffic between Sofia and the Black Sea coast.
To ease the vehicle traffic on the highway “Trakia” and to improve the transport services of the railway company, BDZ schedules a new fast train Sofia – Plovdiv – Burgas starting today (August 24th 2009). The train leaves from Sofia at 8:30 h. and arrives in Burgas at 15:16 h. In the other direction, the train leaves Burgas at 13:35 h. and arrives in Sofia at 20:46 h.
To optimize the overall traffic between Sofia and the Black Sea coast, BDZ offers several alternatives for transportation. Clients of the company will use the 30% discount in all directions.