BTC ADSL Rally Team is the new team of the champion Dimitar Iliev

Yesterday, the telecommunication company BTC presented their new BTC ADSL Rally Team. Dimitar Iliev, five times rally champion of Bulgaria, will compete for their team this season. This is the first time that the telecommunication company supports a team from the National rally championship. They chose Dimitar Iliev, because he complements the qualities and goals of the dynamic company.
The team of Iliev and his navigator Yanaki Yanakiev is now called BTC ADSL Rally Team, because the speed is a main trait of the rally sport – just like the high-speed ADSL connection. The CEO of the telecommunication company mr. Bernard Moskenny presented the new logo of the team and the new vision for the rally car in front of the company headquarters in Sofia.
“BTK is gradually turning into a very dynamic, effective telecommunication company and these are two of our main ideals”, said mr. Moskenny during the event.