Articles in the Business Category

A significant decrease of the offered prices of housing since the beginning of 2009 is evident in Burgas – 10,25%, and in Sofia – 9,71%.
In reality, the change is even bigger, because almost all deals …

The Slovenian chain stores Mercator will open two hypermarkets in Bulgaria by the end of the year.
On a press conference today, the company announced their decision to firmly step on the Bulgarian market as part …

The Bulgarian-American Credit Bank (BACB) is the most effective bank in Bulgaria for 2009, according to the competent opinion of the British magazine Finance Central Europe.
The financial institution ranks first in the magazine rankings for …

“The financial results for 2008 are more than good, it was one of the most successful years in the history of the harbour in Varna. We have an absolute record of income – 52.7 million …

The government delayed the privatization of “Bulgartabak”. Arguments included the “need of long and precise preparation for such actions, the effectiveness and transparency of the procedure and the social effect of the tobacco-producing Bulgarians”.
Despite the …

The airport in Plovdiv specializes in servicing charter tourist flights for groups that are headed to the Bulgarian mountain resorts during the winter season between December and April.
The new terminal of the airport in Plovdid …

One of the most popular names in the modern marketing world – professor Philip Kotler will visit Bulgaria for the second time to read a lecture for the Bulgarian audience.
The topic of the seminar is …

This year, two Bulgarian companies are among the best employers in Central and Eastern Europe – Avendi and McDonalds Bulgaria. The first ranks 15th in the category “Large companies”, and the second – 11th in …

The award ceremony for the international award “Best Project of 2009” in the fields of architecture and construction will take place on June 18th 2009 in the hotel “Sheraton” in Sofia.
Over 20 buildings in Bulgaria …

A new internet expo is coming soon, beginning June 5th. Web Expo 2009 will feature nearly 40 companies and expects more than 4000 visitors.
The event is part of the International Fair of Plovdiv, which takes …

The Russian prime minister Vladimir Putin signed yesterday the government’s agreement to provide the necessary funds for an export credit for the nuclear power plant “Belene”. This was announced by the chief executive of the …

Today, the mayor of Vidin Rumen Vidov welcomed the ambassador of the Republic of Cuba – His Highness mr. Herardo Suarez Alvarez. During the talks, mr. Vidov acquainted the ambassador with the historical characteristics and …