Hotels in the Sunny beach – almost 100% full

Mostly Bulgarians and Romanians spend the May holidays in the resort Sunny beach, clarified the chairman of the Executive council of the Union of hotel owners Elena Ivanova. She added that there are several small groups of German tourists that arrived with the first charter flights for the season.
Most of the hotels in the resort are not open yet; in reality, there are about ten hotels working. They are almost completely taken up by tourists, however. Tourists resting in the resort are using the “all inclusive” offers. The packages in this period are preferred, because the resort has not fully started for the season and there isn’t much entertainment for the guests yet.
“The prices are not any different than the ones from last year. Bulgarians spend their holidays at promotional prices and this will remain true for the whole year. We’ve called this season “BG Summer”. Promotions for native tourists will always be available”, said Elena Ivanova.