Ministry of education to regulate the execution of “Glass of warm milk and breakfast”

The Ministry of education and science (MON) will check up schools to assure the proper execution of the program “Warm milk and breakfast”.
In front of journalists, the chief secretary of MON Dimitar Tanev explained, that the check up will be conducted with the use of surveys, which will include information on who delivers the foods – the director or the municipality, what are the spent financial resources, are there money left or are they not enough, and are there illegalities involved.
According to the secretary, changes of the regulative norms of the program will be made. “The check ups begin next week, with a deadline to have the national data by December 5th”. According to his words, signals for illegalities have not happened yet.
The subsidy for next year will be increased to 28 million leva, which is double the current resource for the program. Tanev emphasized that since the finance will be available, the control must be more strict.