The season of the carnivals starts in Gabrovo

The museum “Home of the humor and satire” in Gabrovo makes the eleventh day of the eleventh month a special day for tenth consecutive year. To mark the start of the European carnival season, the house of humor “releases” the arrows of the carnival clock of Bulgaria.
The tradition is kept this year, too – with the partnership of the municipality of Gabrovo,the European informational centre EUROPE DIRECT and the union “Planet Gabrovo”. Today, in the Home of humor, the Prince Carnival from Gabrovo, the Prince Carnaval from Aalst and the Prince Carnival of the european cities, the little wizards from the kindergarten “Mickey Mouse” – Gabrovo, the kids theatre “Smehurko” and others will proclaim “Long live the carnival!”
Everyone is welcome to the festival. Just a domino or other masking accessory is enough to make anyone a part of the carnaval family. The Home of humor calls to everyone to help give the start of the fifth yearly season – the carnival season.