‘Times’ compared Berbatov to Houdini

The authoritative British newspaper вЂTimes’ compared the Bulgarian national football player Dimitar Berbatov to the great illusionist Houdini because of the way the forward of вЂManchester United’ managed to get out of the custody of the backs of вЂBlackburn’ at the yesterday’s match for the championship which ended with a 2:0 result for вЂManchester’.
Berbatov was unstoppable. The Bulgarian forward gave the class and Wes Brown and Wane Rooney sealed the victory’, says the newspaper.
According to вЂTimes’, Sir Alex Ferguson told the вЂred’ to pass the ball to the Bulgarian with no concerns that he is strictly guarded.
вЂIn spite of the fact that he was closely watched by Chris Samba and Ryan Nelson, Berbatov showed himself as Houdini’, writes вЂTimes’.