




“Refugees” by Neshka Robeva caused a furore at Brussels
Wed, 29/10/08 – 20:24 | Comments Off on “Refugees” by Neshka Robeva caused a furore at Brussels
“Refugees” by Neshka Robeva caused a furore at Brussels

The megaspectacle “Refugees” by the ensemble “National art” (the dancing group of Neshka Robeva) caused a furore with it’s exceptional performance in the A5G3 hall of the European parliament in Brussels, announced the chancellery of …

Stoichev wins – again
Wed, 29/10/08 – 19:10 | Comments Off on Stoichev wins – again
Stoichev wins – again

The bulgarian Petar Stoichev is the final winner of Grand Prix of the swimmer’s marathon for 2008, announced the International federation for swimming sports. He wins the title for an eight consecutive year!
The bulgarian did …

The minister of Health care opens an ‘Alley of health’
Wed, 29/10/08 – 18:47 | Comments Off on The minister of Health care opens an ‘Alley of health’
The minister of Health care opens an ‘Alley of health’

Today the minister of Health Care doctor Evgenii Jelev opened officially the 14th edition of the exhibition ‘Alley of Health’ in the National Place of Culture.
Before the opening the minister examined the exhibition …

Sofia gives 160 000 levs for repair of swimming pools
Wed, 29/10/08 – 17:28 | Comments Off on Sofia gives 160 000 levs for repair of swimming pools
Sofia gives 160 000 levs for repair of swimming pools

160 000 levs is giving the Capital Municipality for repairs of swimming pools on the territory of Sofia.
The amount will be allotted for reconstructions of the swimming pools in the United Children’s Institutions …

Cinemania 2008
Wed, 29/10/08 – 9:00 | Comments Off on Cinemania 2008
Cinemania 2008

This year’s edition of Cinemania films festival is already knocking on our doors.
The National Palace of Culture will once again host some of the world’s greatest new and classic titles.
The stress is put on movies, …

Tsvetelina Zarkova plays brilliantly in Germany
Tue, 28/10/08 – 15:07 | Comments Off on Tsvetelina Zarkova plays brilliantly in Germany
Tsvetelina Zarkova plays brilliantly in Germany

The volleyball champion of Germany in the women championship – Rote Raben, where the Bulgarian national player Tsvetelina Zarkova plays won for a third serial time. The team of Zarkova beat flatly the team …

Again Bulgarian presense in the University of Maine
Tue, 28/10/08 – 14:48 | Comments Off on Again Bulgarian presense in the University of Maine
Again Bulgarian presense in the University of Maine

The Bulgarian presence in the college University of Maine is again a fact after the center Svetoslav Chetinov participates actively in the training of the team of Ted Woodward for the new season of the …

‘St. Kliment Ohridski’ – a host of a forum for children’s protection
Tue, 28/10/08 – 14:08 | Comments Off on ‘St. Kliment Ohridski’ – a host of a forum for children’s protection
‘St. Kliment Ohridski’ – a host of a forum for children’s protection

Today in the Sofia University ‘St. Kliment Ohridski’ is taking place a session of The national council for Children’s Protection. This was announced by the press center of the State Agency for Children’s Protection.
On the …

Students and teachers from the Mathematical High School on probations abroad
Tue, 28/10/08 – 13:01 | Comments Off on Students and teachers from the Mathematical High School on probations abroad
Students and teachers from the Mathematical High School on probations abroad

The Mathematical High School is going to send its students on probations in England and its teachers – on experience change in Italy. That was announced by the Director Ivailo Staribratov. These initiatives are connected …

An order ‘Stara planina’ for the ambassador of Portugal
Tue, 28/10/08 – 12:01 | Comments Off on An order ‘Stara planina’ for the ambassador of Portugal
An order ‘Stara planina’ for the ambassador of Portugal

Today at 16:15 o’clock the Bulgarian president Georgi Parvanov is going to hand in an order ‘Stara planina’ – first degree to Mariu Jesus dush Santush – ambassador ordinary and plenipotentiary of Portugal …

The Sofia opera triumphs in Japan
Tue, 28/10/08 – 1:51 | Comments Off on The Sofia opera triumphs in Japan
The Sofia opera triumphs in Japan

From 4th to 26th October 2008 the National opera and ballet will visit Japan for 16 performances. “Turandot” by Puccini and “A Masked Ball” by Verdi are the chosen pieces to be presented in front …

Rushi is coming back with a “secret concert”
Tue, 28/10/08 – 1:01 | Comments Off on Rushi is coming back with a “secret concert”
Rushi is coming back with a “secret concert”

Rushi Vidinliev will be the new star of the bulgarian edition of “Secret concert.” The popular singer plans a revolutionary live performance that will top the crowd’s expectations.
The show will be on November 18th, and …