A snow-white Christmas!

“We will have a snowy Christmas. The last ten days before Christmas will be cloudy, and it’s going to snow”, said the head of “Operative forecasts” section of the National institute for meteorology and hydrology of BAN dr. Latin Latinov during the “This is Bulgaria” program of the “Focus” radio.
Moderate snow will fall on December 23rd, and in the period between December 27th – 30th – heavier snow that will substantially cover the ground.
The maximum temperatures will be near to the zero. Near the Black Sea and Sandanski they will go as high as 5 – 6 degrees. In many regions the temperatures will be below zero.
The minimal temeratures will be around -8. The coldest period this winter will be at the end of December and beginning of January. Then the temperatures will drop to -10 or even -12 degrees.