Articles in the Tourism Category

The statistics show that in the period of January – August 2008 more than 4.3 million foreign tourists have visited Bulgaria, which is a 15% increase, compared to the same period of 2007. The data …

1-million-dollar tennis courts have been opened in Interhotel вЂSandantski’. The renewed equipment includes 5 courts with lighting and new artificial red coverage – and they’re as good as the traditional red courts.
The new courts are …

The record-breaking 186 implements for artificial snow and completely cleaned and renewed tracks are expecting the tourists in ski-center Bansko for the new winter season. The renovation of the ski tracks this year cost …

The resources for advertisement of Bulgaria’s tourist potentialities are little and this is one of the problematic matters, standing in front of the Agency of tourism and the entire sector – only 4 million leva …

After 6 months of excavations in Kyustendil, a team of Bulgarian archaeologists discovered today unique mosaics from Byzantine times. They were tiled once on the floors of official halls in a Byzantine private house and …

The realization of two new yacht projects in Bulgaria’s Black sea town Sozopol has begun – вЂMarina Sozopol’ and вЂMarina Mall Sozopol’. The total investments will overcome 58 million Euro.
вЂMarina Sozopol’ will have a yacht …

About 200 million Euro will be needed for the realization of the project for restoration of the ancient city of Sevtopolis, located in the waters of вЂKoprinka’ dam. This was announced by architect Zheko Tilev, …

The Boyana Church was opened in an official ceremony which puts an end to the restoration works.
The unique monument is the first site, chosen for restoration with funding of the initiative “The eternal buildings of …

The low-cost aerocompany вЂWizz Air’ is launching a permanent airline connecting Burgas with London.
The flights between the UK capital and the Bulgarian Black Sea city will be every Sunday – except for December and January …

Bulgarian hotels in Pleven have generated record profits for the first half of the year – more than 1.56 million leva. This is 300 000 leva more than the same period of 2007, announced on …

Bulgaria’s sea town Burgas will be presented at the Doors Open Days at Brussels as a tourist destination. The event will take place in the time period of October 6 – 9 and is organized …

вЂPerspectives of Russian-Bulgarian cooperation in the field of tourism’ is the subject of the video-conference Sofia-Moscow, organized by вЂRIA Novosti’, which will take place at 12:30p.m. in the Russian information centre in вЂHilton’ hotel in …