CSKA leaves for Moscow

Early this morning, the team of CSKA took the flight to Moscow. At 19:00 h. on August 27th, the Bulgarian team will face the local Dinamo FC in a qualifications match for the Europa League. The coach Liuboslav Penev chose the same 20 players that were in the team against Sportist (Svoge).
The team of CSKA for their guest game against Dinamo Moscow:
Ivailo Petrov, Ivan Karadjov, Iordan Todorov, Ivan Ivanov, Kostadin Stoyanov, Pavel Vidanov, Kiril Kotev, Iordan Minev, Apostol Popov, Svetoslav Petrov, Viktors Morozs, Atanas Zehirov, Kosta Yanev, Ivan Stoyanov, Todor Yanchev, Markinyos, Todor Timonov, Spas Delev, Orlin Orlinov, Blagoi Paskov.
Penev left the Portuguese Ruy Miguel and David Silva out of the team once again.
The coach Liuboslav Penev commented: “Our wish is to continue forward. To accomplish this we have to play the right way; we can’t afford mistakes. It’s important to score a goal as early as possible. If we don’t, things will get harder. We have opportunities and it’s our duty to see them to the end. Otherwise, we’ll be punished for our mistakes. We feel no tension, we’re calm. Our opponent does not concern us, we’re interested in showing the best of us. I can’t comment on the chosen team yet.”