“Golden century” award given to a French collector popularizing Bulgaria

The minister of culture Vejdi Rashidov met the Director General of UNESCO KoГЇchiro Matsuura in Paris today. During the meeting, KoГЇchiro Matsuura expressed his personal support for the application of the Bulgarian ambassador Irina Bokova to replace him as the new Director General of UNESCO.
Minister Rashidov confirmed the supportive duties of Bulgaria in service of UNESCO’s attempts to maintain peace, human rights, the respect for human dignity and understanding towards differences. The minister also confirmed Bulgaria’s ambition to become a memeber of the Committee for world heritage.
During the discussion, it was made clear that the opening of a regional center of UNESCO in Sofia will be discussed during the 182th session of the Executive council of UNESCO. The center will deal with the safekeeping of the cultural heritage of South-eastern Europe.
Later this evening, minister Rashidov will award Jean Paul Villain, French collectioner, for his contribution to the popularity of Bulgarian art in France and worldwide.