Home for 15 families in Haskovo

Haskovo Municipality built 15 houses for families with many children who are determined as socially weak. 900 000 leva were invested in the construction of the new homes announced the Mayor of Haskovo Georgi Ivanov.
This is the first stage of the constructing of total 30 houses in the town. The rest of them could be finished during the next year if financed.
The Mayor reminded that the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy has promised to help with the realization of the project.
The houses have two storeys and are of the same kind – with three bedrooms, a living room, a kitchen box, a service and a storage room. A bench will be situated in front of every home.
The rent will be considered with the financial resources. The Municipality will control the way families host their homes.
The 15 families will receive their keys on September 10. The Labour and Social Policy Minister Emilia Maslarova is expected to attend the ceremony.