Ivailo Kalfin introduces ambassadors of NATO countries with the priorities of Bulgaria

“Over the course of 60 years, NATO has proven itself as a successful organization for collective safety, based on the principles, ideals and duties laid out in the North Atlantic Treaty.”
Those were the words of the vice prime minister and minister of foreign affairs Ivailo Kalfin during his talks with ambassadors from NATO countries in the Ministry of foreign affairs. They discussed the coming high-level conference of the Alliance in Strassburg on April 3rd and 4th 2009. The minister of defense – Nikolay Tsonev, and ambassadors of countries invited to join the Alliance – Croatia and Albania – also attended the meeting.
According to Kalfin, the trans-atlantic solidarity and unity are key to the peace and stability in the euro-atlantic zone. Today, NATO is an organization that defends the democratic ideals, individual freedoms, supremacy of law and the peaceful solution of conflicts. The Alliance not only provides security for it’s members, but also successfully contributes to the peace and stability worldwide, developing partnerships and working on crisis management.