OMV in the support of Bulgarian children

As part of their long-term politics for corporative social involvement, OMV Bulgaria is currently undergoing several charity initiatives across the country in support of good causes like the daily center “Karin Dom” for children with special needs in Varna and the orphanages SOS Kinderdorf.
For the International Day of Children (June 1st), OMV Bulgaria will undergo another initiative in support of the daily center “Karin Dom” in Varna. Between May 25th and June 17th, all gas stations of the company will sell five types of gift cards that show a total of ten different children games. Each of these games can be done at home. This way, children can make a collection of five cards with a total of ten ideas for games.
The drawings on the cards are made by the children of “Karin Dom”, and each card is only 0,99 leva. The goal of the campaign is to encourage children to forget hi-tech toys for a while and revisit traditional games. At the same time, these cards will gather much needed funds for “Karin Dom”.