Sunny beach next to Palma de Mallorca

Sunny beach entered the top 20 chart of the most desired resorts of Scandinavian tourists. The research and the chart are the work of the agency Scandiandess. The top spots are taken by the Spanish Palma de Mallorca and MГЎlaga – Costa del Sol. Antalya and Bodrum are the best ranking Turkish resorts. Chalkidiki is the preferred place in Greece, and Dubrovnik – in Croatia.
The important part in the opinions on Sunny beach is that over 63% of the Scandinavians that spent their holiday there stated that they will come back again.
Over 18 thousand foreign tourists arrived in the resort Sunny beach since the first days of May. During the weekend, many Romanians, Swedes, Norvegians, Macedonians and Russians filled the beaches and alleys of the complex.