




Prince Kardam is getting better, but still in critical condition
Wed, 15/10/08 – 22:02 | Comments Off on Prince Kardam is getting better, but still in critical condition
Prince Kardam is getting better, but still in critical condition

The Bulgarian Prince Kardam, who had a severe car accident near Madrid on August 15, 2008, is still in critical condition. However, his vital signs and his breathing have improved and he is stable.
Kardam was …

The national flu campaign starts tomorrow
Wed, 15/10/08 – 21:23 | Comments Off on The national flu campaign starts tomorrow
The national flu campaign starts tomorrow

Tomorrow, October 16, is the beginning of the national campaign for immunisation against the flue under the motto ‘Are we ready to meet the flu epidemic?’
The most efficient way of protection against the flu is …

The Prime Minister Stanishev:’The bank system in Bulgaria is stable’
Wed, 15/10/08 – 21:19 | Comments Off on The Prime Minister Stanishev:’The bank system in Bulgaria is stable’
The Prime Minister Stanishev:’The bank system in Bulgaria is stable’

The measures for mastering the financial crises which are being undertaken are very clear and effective. That was announced by the Bulgarian Prime Minister Sergei Stanishev after the regular meeting-lunch with the leaders of the …

A day of open doors in the municipality of Varna
Wed, 15/10/08 – 18:44 | Comments Off on A day of open doors in the municipality of Varna
A day of open doors in the municipality of Varna

A day of opened days is being carried out in the municipality of Varna. The municipal administration has been opened since 11 o’clock as well as the Mayor’s office.
The citizens will also be able …

The first tournament for grand chess-masters ‘Milko Bobotsov’ starts today
Wed, 15/10/08 – 17:45 | Comments Off on The first tournament for grand chess-masters ‘Milko Bobotsov’ starts today
The first tournament for grand chess-masters ‘Milko Bobotsov’ starts today

The vice-minister of defence Spas Panchev is opening today the grand masters’ chess tournament for men ‘Milko Bobotsov’. The tournament will be lead in nine rounds and is going to last eight days.

Italian ambassador apologises for the Bulgarian flag
Wed, 15/10/08 – 17:30 | Comments Off on Italian ambassador apologises for the Bulgarian flag
Italian ambassador apologises for the Bulgarian flag

The ambassador of Italy in Bulgaria convicts the act of hooliganism of the Bulgarian flag set on fire by Italian football fans.
‘Stefano Benazzo along with the Italian citizens convict the actions from October 11, 2008 …

The artist Lyubomir Ganev with an exhibition in Sofia
Wed, 15/10/08 – 17:29 | Comments Off on The artist Lyubomir Ganev with an exhibition in Sofia
The artist Lyubomir Ganev with an exhibition in Sofia

The painter Lyubomir Ivanov – Father will open his exhibition ‘The Travelling’ this evening in the Sofia gallery ‘Gaya’. Ceramic sculptures, small plastics, relieves and decorated vessels – an example of the author search for …

Bulgaria is going to cooperate with the Regional Partnership Council
Wed, 15/10/08 – 17:02 | Comments Off on Bulgaria is going to cooperate with the Regional Partnership Council
Bulgaria is going to cooperate with the Regional Partnership Council

The activity and priorities of the Regional Partnership Council (RPS) were introduced today in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The presentation was within the framework of the work visit in Bulgaria of a delegation of …

Maslarova met Sudan women
Tue, 14/10/08 – 23:12 | Comments Off on Maslarova met Sudan women
Maslarova met Sudan women

The minister of work and social politics Emilia Maslarova met a delegation of the Universal union of Sudan women.
During the meeting Maslarova pointed that the visit of The Universal union of the Sudan women …

Archeologists found the main street of the ancient Anhialo
Tue, 14/10/08 – 21:58 | Comments Off on Archeologists found the main street of the ancient Anhialo
Archeologists found the main street of the ancient Anhialo

The archeologists, working on the excavations of the ancient town Anhialo found the main street of the town with a north – south direction. In this way they finished a whole period of the excavations …

900 trees and 13 000 bushes will be planted in Varna
Tue, 14/10/08 – 21:36 | Comments Off on 900 trees and 13 000 bushes will be planted in Varna
900 trees and 13 000 bushes will be planted in Varna

That was announced by the Mayor Kiril Iordanov. For the aim the municipality is going to invest 670В 000 levs for the planting of the seaside capital. New broad-leaved trees and bushes will be planted in …

Elton John in Bulgaria
Tue, 14/10/08 – 20:28 | Comments Off on Elton John in Bulgaria
Elton John in Bulgaria

The legendary musician sir Elton John, who has more than 250 million records and over 100 million singles sold worldwide in his 40-year career, is coming to Bulgaria to perform in Hall 1 of the …