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A festival of national crafts to entertain Tarnovo guests

Submitted on Friday, 7 November 2008No Comment
A festival of national crafts to entertain Tarnovo guests

From 1st to 31st December the city of Tarnovo will be a place of national traditions related to the christian holidays before and during the Christmas celebrations. In May 2009, a festival of national crafts will take place.

In both forums, the fraternized cities of Veliko Tarnovo – the polish Krakow, the greek Seres, Tiarshin from Malta and the french Baion – will participate with their own stalls. Participants from the romanian city Giurgiu will also come, as Tarnovo recentlt signed a fraternity contract with it as well.

The numerous tourists that visit Veliko Tarnovo in the days around Christmas will be able to see, taste and purchase pieces of national art, souvenirs and foods, characteristic for the everyday life of all present cultures.

This was announced by the director of the municipality agency for tourism Daniel Panov after a meeting with representatives of the fraternized cities. The meeting was organized during the project United in Europe with our cultural heritage, won by the municipality of Tarnovo from the European committee responsible for education and culture.

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